
All total synonyms

T t

adj total

  • choate β€” Rufus1799-1859; U.S. lawyer
  • infinite β€” immeasurably great: an infinite capacity for forgiveness.
  • full-length β€” of standard or customary length: a full-length movie.
  • general β€” of or relating to all persons or things belonging to a group or category: a general meeting of the employees.
  • in bulk β€” magnitude in three dimensions: a ship of great bulk.
  • downright β€” thorough; absolute; out-and-out: a downright falsehood.
  • full-scale β€” having the exact size or proportions of the original: a full-scale replica.
  • fascistic β€” a person who believes in or sympathizes with fascism.

verb total

  • larruping β€” very; exceedingly: That was a larruping good meal.
  • wound β€” the act of winding.
  • blow down β€” to open a valve in a steam boiler to eject any sediment that has collected
  • mow down β€” to cut down (grass, grain, etc.) with a scythe or a machine.
  • kos β€” a unit of land distance of various lengths from 1 to 3 miles (1.6 to 4.8 km).
  • creaming β€” the fatty part of milk, which rises to the surface when the liquid is allowed to stand unless homogenized.
  • goosed β€” any of numerous wild or domesticated, web-footed swimming birds of the family Anatidae, especially of the genera Anser and Branta, most of which are larger and have a longer neck and legs than the ducks.
  • come to β€” When someone who is unconscious comes to, they recover consciousness.
  • best β€” Best is the superlative of good.
  • beggaring β€” a person who begs alms or lives by begging.
  • cast down β€” If someone is cast down by something, they are sad or worried because of it.
  • immobilise β€” to make immobile or immovable; fix in place.
  • knock around β€” to strike a sounding blow with the fist, knuckles, or anything hard, especially on a door, window, or the like, as in seeking admittance, calling attention, or giving a signal: to knock on the door before entering.
  • dump on β€” to drop or let fall in a mass; fling down or drop heavily or suddenly: Dump the topsoil here.
  • accounted β€” an oral or written description of particular events or situations; narrative: an account of the meetings; an account of the trip.
  • ko'd β€” a knockout in boxing.
  • worsted β€” that which is worst.
  • blot out β€” If one thing blots out another thing, it is in front of the other thing and prevents it from being seen.
  • flax β€” any plant of the genus Linum, especially L. usitatissimum, a slender, erect, annual plant having narrow, lance-shaped leaves and blue flowers, cultivated for its fiber and seeds.
  • foot β€” (in vertebrates) the terminal part of the leg, below the ankle joint, on which the body stands and moves.
  • crash β€” A crash is an accident in which a moving vehicle hits something and is damaged or destroyed.
  • muck up β€” a bungled or disordered situation; foul-up.
  • inventoried β€” a complete listing of merchandise or stock on hand, work in progress, raw materials, finished goods on hand, etc., made each year by a business concern.
  • cast β€” The cast of a play or film is all the people who act in it.
  • cleaned out β€” free from dirt; unsoiled; unstained: She bathed and put on a clean dress.
  • number β€” one of a series of things distinguished by or marked with numerals.
  • outplay β€” to play better than.
  • nixing β€” nothing.

noun total

  • manifoldness β€” (mathematics) multiplicity.
  • allness β€” the state of being comprehensive or all-embracing
  • cardinals β€” of prime importance; chief; principal: of cardinal significance.
  • ensemble β€” A group of musicians, actors, or dancers who perform together.
  • fender-bender β€” a collision between motor vehicles in which there is only minor damage.
  • junker β€” any old or discarded material, as metal, paper, or rags.
  • accident β€” An accident happens when a vehicle hits a person, an object, or another vehicle, causing injury or damage.
  • octet β€” a company of eight singers or musicians.

adjective total

  • wordless β€” speechless, silent, or mute.
  • wholehearted β€” fully or completely sincere, enthusiastic, energetic, etc.; hearty; earnest: a wholehearted attempt to comply.
  • exclusive β€” An item or story published or broadcast by only one source.
  • outright β€” complete or total: an outright loss.
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