
All tuneful synonyms

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adj tuneful

  • in chorus β€” Music. a group of persons singing in unison. (in an opera, oratorio, etc.) such a group singing choral parts in connection with soloists or individual singers. a piece of music for singing in unison. a part of a song that recurs at intervals, usually following each verse; refrain.
  • harmonic β€” pertaining to harmony, as distinguished from melody and rhythm.
  • harmonious β€” marked by agreement in feeling, attitude, or action: a harmonious group.
  • iambic β€” Prosody. pertaining to the iamb. consisting of or employing an iamb or iambs.
  • anapestic β€” a foot of three syllables, two short followed by one long in quantitative meter, and two unstressed followed by one stressed in accentual meter, as in for the nonce.
  • dactylic β€” of, relating to, or having a dactyl
  • lyric β€” (of poetry) having the form and musical quality of a song, and especially the character of a songlike outpouring of the poet's own thoughts and feelings, as distinguished from epic and dramatic poetry.
  • assonant β€” resemblance of sounds.
  • lyrical β€” (of poetry) having the form and musical quality of a song, and especially the character of a songlike outpouring of the poet's own thoughts and feelings, as distinguished from epic and dramatic poetry.
  • in tune β€” instrument: correctly tuned
  • choral β€” Choral music is sung by a choir.
  • in concert β€” a public musical performance in which a number of singers or instrumentalists, or both, participate.
  • in unison β€” coincidence in pitch of two or more musical tones, voices, etc.
  • musical β€” of, relating to, or producing music: a musical instrument.
  • in step β€” a movement made by lifting the foot and setting it down again in a new position, accompanied by a shifting of the weight of the body in the direction of the new position, as in walking, running, or dancing.
  • canorous β€” tuneful; melodious
  • mellifluent β€” mellifluous.
  • coloratura β€” Coloratura is very complicated and difficult music for a solo singer, especially in opera.
  • mellifluous β€” sweetly or smoothly flowing; sweet-sounding: a mellifluous voice; mellifluous tones.
  • lilting β€” rhythmic swing or cadence.
  • mellow β€” soft, sweet, and full-flavored from ripeness, as fruit.
  • concordant β€” being in agreement: harmonious
  • melodious β€” of the nature of or characterized by melody; tuneful.

adjective tuneful

  • epical β€” (literature) Any book containing 2 or more epics.
  • epodic β€” Pertaining to or resembling an epode.
  • melodic β€” melodious.
  • odic β€” of an ode.
  • operatic β€” of or relating to opera: operatic music.
  • euphonic β€” Characterized by euphony; harmonious.
  • euphonical β€” (archaic) euphonious; pleasing to the ear.
  • euphonious β€” (of sound, esp. speech) Pleasing to the ear.

noun tuneful

  • diapason β€” either of two stops (open and stopped diapason) usually found throughout the compass of a pipe organ that give it its characteristic tone colour
  • harmonics β€” Music. overtone (def 1).
  • lay β€” to bring about or affect by lying (often used reflexively): to lie oneself out of a difficulty; accustomed to lying his way out of difficulties.
  • attunement β€” an attuning or act of making harmonious
  • melody β€” musical sounds in agreeable succession or arrangement.
  • melodiousness β€” The property of being melodious.
  • assonance β€” the use of the same vowel sound with different consonants or the same consonant with different vowels in successive words or stressed syllables, as in a line of verse. Examples are time and light or mystery and mastery
  • concinnity β€” a harmonious arrangement of parts, esp in literary works, speeches, etc
  • musicalness β€” Quality of being musical.
  • harmony β€” agreement; accord; harmonious relations.
  • musicality β€” of, relating to, or producing music: a musical instrument.
  • chord β€” A chord is a number of musical notes played or sung at the same time with a pleasing effect.
  • mellifluousness β€” sweetly or smoothly flowing; sweet-sounding: a mellifluous voice; mellifluous tones.
  • organum β€” an organon.
  • euphoniousness β€” The quality or state of being euphonious.
  • lyricism β€” lyric character or style, as in poetry.

adverb tuneful

adv tuneful

  • musically β€” of, relating to, or producing music: a musical instrument.
  • mellifluously β€” sweetly or smoothly flowing; sweet-sounding: a mellifluous voice; mellifluous tones.
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