
All unhinge synonyms

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verb unhinge

  • confuse β€” If you confuse two things, you get them mixed up, so that you think one of them is the other one.
  • fire up β€” start ignition of
  • freak β€” a fleck or streak of color.
  • buffaloed β€” any of several large wild oxen of the family Bovidae. Compare bison, Cape buffalo, water buffalo.
  • key up β€” a small metal instrument specially cut to fit into a lock and move its bolt.
  • dismay β€” to break down the courage of completely, as by sudden danger or trouble; dishearten thoroughly; daunt: The surprise attack dismayed the enemy.
  • disorienting β€” to cause to lose one's way: The strange streets disoriented him.
  • disturb β€” to interrupt the quiet, rest, peace, or order of; unsettle.
  • infatuate β€” to inspire or possess with a foolish or unreasoning passion, as of love.
  • gross out β€” something that is disgustingly offensive.
  • derange β€” to disturb the order or arrangement of; throw into disorder; disarrange
  • frighten β€” to make afraid or fearful; throw into a fright; terrify; scare.
  • disarticulate β€” Separate (bones) at the joints.
  • agitate β€” If people agitate for something, they protest or take part in political activity in order to get it.
  • in flames β€” to kindle or excite (passions, desires, etc.).
  • distract β€” to draw away or divert, as the mind or attention: The music distracted him from his work.
  • make waves β€” a disturbance on the surface of a liquid body, as the sea or a lake, in the form of a moving ridge or swell.
  • flurry β€” a light, brief shower of snow.
  • grossed out β€” without deductions; total, as the amount of sales, salary, profit, etc., before taking deductions for expenses, taxes, or the like (opposed to net2. ): gross earnings; gross sales.
  • buffaloing β€” any of several large wild oxen of the family Bovidae. Compare bison, Cape buffalo, water buffalo.
  • infatuating β€” to inspire or possess with a foolish or unreasoning passion, as of love.
  • craze β€” If there is a craze for something, it is very popular for a short time.
  • in-dispose β€” to make ill, especially slightly.
  • fussed β€” an excessive display of anxious attention or activity; needless or useless bustle: They made a fuss over the new baby.
  • discompose β€” to upset the order of; disarrange; disorder; unsettle: The breeze discomposed the bouquet.
  • make one's blood run cold β€” the fluid that circulates in the principal vascular system of human beings and other vertebrates, in humans consisting of plasma in which the red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets are suspended.
  • catch flies β€” any of various plants, especially of the genera Silene and Lychnis, having a viscid secretion on the stem and calyx in which small insects are sometimes caught.
  • madden β€” to anger or infuriate: The delays maddened her.
  • fluster β€” to put into a state of agitated confusion: His constant criticism flustered me.
  • bedevil β€” If you are bedevilled by something unpleasant, it causes you a lot of problems over a period of time.
  • disquiet β€” lack of calm, peace, or ease; anxiety; uneasiness.
  • make one's hair stand on end β€” any of the numerous fine, usually cylindrical, keratinous filaments growing from the skin of humans and animals; a pilus.
  • enfeeble β€” Make weak or feeble.
  • draw away β€” to cause to move in a particular direction by or as if by a pulling force; pull; drag (often followed by along, away, in, out, or off).
  • buffalo β€” A buffalo is a wild animal like a large cow with horns that curve upwards. Buffalo are usually found in southern and eastern Africa.
  • downing β€” a downward movement; descent.
  • muck up β€” a bungled or disordered situation; foul-up.
  • dement β€” to deteriorate mentally, esp because of old age
  • downed β€” from higher to lower; in descending direction or order; toward, into, or in a lower position: to come down the ladder.
  • fuddled β€” Confused or stupefied, especially as a result of drinking alcohol.
  • fussing β€” an excessive display of anxious attention or activity; needless or useless bustle: They made a fuss over the new baby.
  • get to β€” to receive or come to have possession, use, or enjoyment of: to get a birthday present; to get a pension.
  • give a hard time β€” a period of difficulties or hardship.
  • got to β€” to receive or come to have possession, use, or enjoyment of: to get a birthday present; to get a pension.
  • burn up β€” If something burns up or if fire burns it up, it is completely destroyed by fire or strong heat.
  • dislocate β€” to put out of place; put out of proper relative position; displace: The glacier dislocated great stones. The earthquake dislocated several buildings.
  • distempered β€” Art. a technique of decorative painting in which glue or gum is used as a binder or medium to achieve a mat surface and rapid drying. (formerly) the tempera technique.
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