
All unpleasant synonyms

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adjective unpleasant

  • distasteful β€” unpleasant, offensive, or causing dislike: a distasteful chore.
  • cruel β€” Someone who is cruel deliberately causes pain or distress to people or animals.
  • horrible β€” causing or tending to cause horror; shockingly dreadful: a horrible sight.
  • detractory β€” (now rare) That detracts from something; disparaging, depreciatory.
  • inharmonious β€” not harmonious; discordant; unmelodious.
  • horrid β€” such as to cause horror; shockingly dreadful; abominable.
  • disobliging β€” Deliberately unhelpful; uncooperative.
  • adverse β€” Adverse decisions, conditions, or effects are unfavourable to you.
  • gory β€” covered or stained with gore; bloody.
  • mangy β€” having, caused by, or like the mange.
  • curdled β€” Containing curds.
  • cheesy β€” Cheesy food is food that tastes or smells of cheese.
  • jarring β€” to have a harshly unpleasant or perturbing effect on one's nerves, feelings, thoughts, etc.: The sound of the alarm jarred.
  • churlish β€” Someone who is churlish is unfriendly, bad-tempered, or impolite.
  • mean β€” to intend for a particular purpose, destination, etc.: They were meant for each other. Synonyms: destine, foreordain.
  • intrusive β€” tending or apt to intrude; coming without invitation or welcome: intrusive memories of a lost love.
  • windswept β€” open or exposed to the wind: a wind-swept beach.
  • grim β€” stern and admitting of no appeasement or compromise: grim determination; grim necessity.
  • messy β€” characterized by a dirty, untidy, or disordered condition: a messy room.
  • odious β€” deserving or causing hatred; hateful; detestable.

adj unpleasant

  • asocial β€” avoiding contact; not gregarious
  • in-effective β€” not effective; not producing results; ineffectual: ineffective efforts; ineffective remedies.
  • hard as nails β€” tough, durable
  • forbidding β€” grim; unfriendly; hostile; sinister: his forbidding countenance.
  • ghastly β€” shockingly frightful or dreadful; horrible: a ghastly murder.
  • ill-natured β€” having or showing an unkindly or unpleasant disposition.
  • in the ballpark β€” a tract of land where ball games, especially baseball, are played.
  • maleficent β€” doing evil or harm; harmfully malicious: maleficent destroyers of reputations.
  • dragger β€” any of various small motor trawlers operating off the North Atlantic coast of the U.S.
  • comfortless β€” to soothe, console, or reassure; bring cheer to: They tried to comfort her after her loss.
  • hard β€” not soft; solid and firm to the touch; unyielding to pressure and impenetrable or almost impenetrable.
  • murderous β€” of the nature of or involving murder: a murderous deed.
  • awkward β€” An awkward situation is embarrassing and difficult to deal with.
  • bitter β€” In a bitter argument or conflict, people argue very angrily or fight very fiercely.
  • imprecise β€” not precise; not exact; vague or ill-defined.
  • abrasive β€” Someone who has an abrasive manner is unkind and rude.
  • frightful β€” such as to cause fright; dreadful, terrible, or alarming: A frightful howl woke us.
  • demoniac β€” of, like, or suggestive of a demon; demonic

adverb unpleasant

  • objectionably β€” causing or tending to cause an objection, disapproval, or protest.
  • horribly β€” causing or tending to cause horror; shockingly dreadful: a horrible sight.
  • disgracefully β€” In a disgraceful manner.
  • adversely β€” unfavorable or antagonistic in purpose or effect: adverse criticism.
  • disagreeably β€” In a disagreeable manner.
  • messily β€” in a messy manner.
  • intrusively β€” tending or apt to intrude; coming without invitation or welcome: intrusive memories of a lost love.
  • abusively β€” using, containing, or characterized by harshly or coarsely insulting language: an abusive author; abusive remarks.

adv unpleasant

  • awfully β€” in an unpleasant, bad, or reprehensible manner
  • forlornly β€” desolate or dreary; unhappy or miserable, as in feeling, condition, or appearance.

noun unpleasant

  • inhospitality β€” lack of hospitality; inhospitable attitude toward or treatment of visitors, guests, etc.
  • inhospitableness β€” The quality of being inhospitable.
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