
All vehement synonyms

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adjective vehement

  • hotblooded β€” Spirited, rash, reckless.
  • eruptive β€” Of, relating to, or formed by volcanic activity.
  • exquisite β€” Extremely beautiful and, typically, delicate.
  • agitable β€” easily agitated or moved
  • warm β€” having or giving out a moderate degree of heat, as perceived by the senses: a warm bath.
  • feverish β€” having fever.
  • warmblooded β€” Alternative spelling of warm-blooded.
  • impassioned β€” filled with intense feeling or passion; passionate; ardent.
  • aper β€” a person who apes, a mimic

adj vehement

  • ear piercing β€” hole in ear for jewellery
  • fulminant β€” occurring suddenly and with great intensity or severity; fulminating.
  • turbulent β€” being in a state of agitation or tumult; disturbed: turbulent feelings or emotions.
  • browned off β€” If you say that you are browned off, you mean that you are annoyed and depressed.
  • furious β€” full of fury, violent passion, or rage; extremely angry; enraged: He was furious about the accident.
  • ardent β€” Ardent is used to describe someone who has extremely strong feelings about something or someone.
  • hacked β€” to place (something) on a hack, as for drying or feeding.
  • ear-piercing β€” extremely harsh and irritating to the ear: ear-piercing noise.
  • hot-headed β€” hot or fiery in spirit or temper; impetuous; rash: Hotheaded people shouldn't drive cars.
  • intense β€” existing or occurring in a high or extreme degree: intense heat.
  • earnest β€” serious in intention, purpose, or effort; sincerely zealous: an earnest worker.
  • ablaze β€” Something that is ablaze is burning very fiercely.
  • forceful β€” full of force; powerful; vigorous; effective: a forceful plea for peace.
  • go great guns β€” to act or function with great speed, intensity, etc
  • fierce β€” menacingly wild, savage, or hostile: fierce animals; a fierce look.
  • in flames β€” to kindle or excite (passions, desires, etc.).
  • fervent β€” having or showing great warmth or intensity of spirit, feeling, enthusiasm, etc.; ardent: a fervent admirer; a fervent plea.
  • bullish β€” On the stock market, if there is a bullish mood, prices are expected to rise. Compare bearish.
  • fiery β€” consisting of, attended with, characterized by, or containing fire: a volcano's fiery discharge.
  • gung-ho β€” wholeheartedly enthusiastic and loyal; eager; zealous: a gung-ho military outfit.
  • hyped up β€” intensively or excessively stimulated or exaggerated: an economy hyped-up by arms spending.
  • high-pressure β€” having or involving a pressure above the normal: high-pressure steam.
  • desperate β€” If you are desperate, you are in such a bad situation that you are willing to try anything to change it.
  • forcible β€” done or effected by force: forcible entry into a house.
  • ear-splitting β€” ear-piercing: an earsplitting explosion.
  • lovey-dovey β€” amorously affectionate: a lovey-dovey couple.
  • hot and heavy β€” having or giving off heat; having a high temperature: a hot fire; hot coffee.
  • hyped-up β€” intensively or excessively stimulated or exaggerated: an economy hyped-up by arms spending.
  • hot for β€” sexually attracted to
  • go-getting β€” an enterprising, aggressive person.
  • burning β€” You use burning to describe something that is extremely hot.
  • gone on β€” past participle of go1 .
  • loud β€” (of sound) strongly audible; having exceptional volume or intensity: loud talking; loud thunder; loud whispers.
  • appetent β€” having an eager longing or desire
  • concentrated β€” A concentrated liquid has been increased in strength by having water removed from it.
  • ireful β€” full of intense anger; wrathful.
  • inhumane β€” not humane; lacking humanity, kindness, compassion, etc.
  • anarchic β€” If you describe someone or something as anarchic, you disapprove of them because they do not recognize or obey any rules or laws.
  • heated β€” made hot or hotter; warmed.
  • hopped up β€” excited; enthusiastic; exuberant, especially overexuberant.
  • in-humane β€” not humane; lacking humanity, kindness, compassion, etc.
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