
All walloped synonyms

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verb walloped

  • thumped β€” a blow with something thick and heavy, producing a dull sound; a heavy knock.
  • bashed β€” to strike with a crushing or smashing blow.
  • struck β€” simple past tense and a past participle of strike.
  • hit β€” to deal a blow or stroke to: Hit the nail with the hammer.
  • punched β€” a tool or machine for perforating or stamping materials, driving nails, etc.
  • whacked β€” exhausted; tired out.
  • cracked β€” An object that is cracked has lines on its surface because it is damaged.
  • biffed β€” a blow; punch.
  • beat β€” If you beat someone or something, you hit them very hard.
  • clobbered β€” to paint over existing decoration on (a ceramic piece).
  • drubbed β€” Simple past tense and past participle of drub.
  • pummeled β€” to beat or thrash with or as if with the fists.
  • bammed β€” Simple past tense and past participle of bam.
  • battered β€” Something that is battered is old and in poor condition because it has been used a lot.
  • belted β€” If someone's jacket or coat, for example, is belted, it has a belt fastened round it.
  • blasted β€” Some people use blasted to express anger or annoyance at something or someone.
  • buffeted β€” a blow, as with the hand or fist.
  • hid β€” Human Interface Device
  • lambasted β€” to beat or whip severely.
  • pasted β€” a mixture of flour and water, often with starch or the like, used for causing paper or other material to adhere to something.
  • pelted β€” to attack or assail with repeated blows or with missiles.
  • pounded β€” Archaic. to shut up in or as in a pound; impound; imprison.
  • slammed β€” a violent and noisy closing, dashing, or impact.
  • slogged β€” to hit hard, as in boxing or cricket; slug.
  • slugged β€” a hard blow or hit, especially with a fist or baseball bat.
  • smashed β€” of, relating to, or constituting a great success: That composer has written many smash tunes.
  • socked β€” to strike or hit hard.
  • swatted β€” to hit; slap; smack.
  • tanned β€” to convert (a hide) into leather, especially by soaking or steeping in a bath prepared from tanbark or synthetically.
  • thrashed β€” to beat soundly in punishment; flog.
  • zapped β€” to kill or shoot.
  • defeated β€” having suffered defeat; beaten
  • whipped β€” having received a whipping.
  • destroyed β€” to reduce (an object) to useless fragments, a useless form, or remains, as by rending, burning, or dissolving; injure beyond repair or renewal; demolish; ruin; annihilate.
  • crushed β€” to press or squeeze with a force that destroys or deforms.
  • licked β€” Simple past tense and past participle of lick.
  • routed β€” a bellow.
  • shellacked β€” lac that has been purified and formed into thin sheets, used for making varnish.
  • vanquished β€” to conquer or subdue by superior force, as in battle.

noun walloped

  • blew β€” Blew is the past tense of blow1.
  • clashed β€” Simple past tense and past participle of clash.
  • crashed β€” to make a loud, clattering noise, as of something dashed to pieces.
  • impacted β€” tightly or immovably wedged in.
  • jarred β€” to have a harshly unpleasant or perturbing effect on one's nerves, feelings, thoughts, etc.: The sound of the alarm jarred.
  • jolted β€” Simple past tense and past participle of jolt.
  • kicked β€” Simple past tense and past participle of kick.
  • shocked β€” a group of sheaves of grain placed on end and supporting one another in the field.
  • fizzed β€” to make a hissing or sputtering sound; effervesce.
  • buzzed β€” a low, vibrating, humming sound, as of bees, machinery, or people talking.
  • clouted β€” a blow, especially with the hand; cuff: The bully gave him a painful clout on the head.
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