
All wholeheartedly synonyms

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adverb wholeheartedly

  • devoutly β€” Devoutly is used to emphasize how sincerely or deeply you hope for something or believe in something.
  • fearlessly β€” without fear; bold or brave; intrepid.
  • forcibly β€” done or effected by force: forcible entry into a house.
  • hardily β€” in a hardy manner: The plants thrived hardily.
  • powerfully β€” having or exerting great power or force.
  • purposefully β€” having a purpose.
  • stoutly β€” bulky in figure; heavily built; corpulent; thickset; fat: She is getting too stout for her dresses. Synonyms: big, rotund, stocky, portly, fleshy. Antonyms: thin, lean, slender, slim; skinny, scrawny.
  • vibrantly β€” moving to and fro rapidly; vibrating.
  • honestly β€” in an honest manner.
  • seriously β€” in a serious manner: He shook his head seriously.
  • deeply β€” at or to a considerable extent downward; well within or beneath a surface.
  • genuinely β€” possessing the claimed or attributed character, quality, or origin; not counterfeit; authentic; real: genuine sympathy; a genuine antique.
  • naturally β€” in a natural or normal manner.
  • profoundly β€” penetrating or entering deeply into subjects of thought or knowledge; having deep insight or understanding: a profound thinker.
  • really β€” in reality; actually: to see things as they really are.
  • truly β€” in accordance with fact or truth; truthfully.
  • truthfully β€” telling the truth, especially habitually: a truthful person.
  • aboveboard β€” An arrangement or deal that is aboveboard is legal and is being carried out openly and honestly. A person who is aboveboard is open and honest about what they are doing.
  • frankly β€” In an open, honest, and direct manner.
  • in good faith β€” accordance with standards of honesty, trust, sincerity, etc. (usually preceded by in): If you act in good faith, he'll have no reason to question your motives.
  • ingenuously β€” free from reserve, restraint, or dissimulation; candid; sincere.
  • completely β€” having all parts or elements; lacking nothing; whole; entire; full: a complete set of Mark Twain's writings.
  • absolutely β€” Absolutely means totally and completely.
  • altogether β€” You use altogether to emphasize that something has stopped, been done, or finished completely.
  • entirely β€” Completely (often used for emphasis).
  • exactly β€” Without discrepancy (used to emphasize the accuracy of a figure or description).
  • fully β€” entirely or wholly: You should be fully done with the work by now.
  • perfectly β€” in a perfect manner or to a perfect degree: to sing an aria perfectly.
  • quite β€” completely, wholly, or entirely: quite the reverse; not quite finished.
  • thoroughly β€” in a thorough manner or degree; completely and carefully: We will review the data thoroughly.
  • unconditionally β€” not limited by conditions; absolute: an unconditional promise.
  • utterly β€” in an utter manner; completely; absolutely.
  • wholly β€” entirely; totally; altogether; quite.
  • all β€” You use all to indicate that you are referring to the whole of a particular group or thing or to everyone or everything of a particular kind.
  • all in all β€” You use all in all to introduce a summary or general statement.
  • comprehensively β€” Something that is done comprehensively is done thoroughly.
  • consummately β€” to bring to a state of perfection; fulfill.
  • exclusively β€” To the exclusion of others ; only; solely.
  • flat out β€” horizontally level: a flat roof.
  • full blast β€” a sudden and violent gust of wind: Wintry blasts chilled us to the marrow.
  • in toto β€” totally; entirely; completely
  • just β€” guided by truth, reason, justice, and fairness: We hope to be just in our understanding of such difficult situations.
  • unmitigated β€” not mitigated; not softened or lessened: unmitigated suffering.
  • enthusiastically β€” In an enthusiastic manner.
  • passionately β€” having, compelled by, or ruled by intense emotion or strong feeling; fervid: a passionate advocate of socialism.
  • unreservedly β€” not restricted; without reservation; full; entire; unqualified: unreserved approval.
  • totally β€” wholly; entirely; completely.
  • unstintingly β€” to be frugal; get along on a scanty allowance: Don't stint on the food. They stinted for years in order to save money.
  • unequivocally β€” in a way that is clear and unambiguous: The theme is unequivocally religious.
  • unswervingly β€” to turn aside abruptly in movement or direction; deviate suddenly from the straight or direct course.
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