
21-letter words containing a, v

  • consummatory behavior — a behavior pattern that occurs in response to a stimulus and that achieves the satisfaction of a specific drive, as the eating of captured prey by a hungry predator (distinguished from appetitive behavior).
  • conventional medicine — the type of medicine that is generally used in the US and Europe which uses drugs and surgery as a form of treatment
  • conventional mortgage — A conventional mortgage is a fixed rate mortgage with a standard term of 15, 20, or 30 years.
  • convertible insurance — any form of life or health insurance, either individual or group, that enables the insured to change or convert the insurance to another form, as term to whole life insurance or group to individual health insurance.
  • cooperative apartment — a block of flats belonging to a corporation in which shares are owned in proportion to the relative value of the flat occupied
  • cooperative-apartment — working or acting together willingly for a common purpose or benefit.
  • cost driver attribute — (programming)   Factors affecting the productivity of software development. These include attributes of the software, computers, personnel, and project.
  • counter-revolutionary — Counter-revolutionary activities are activities intended to reverse the effects of a previous revolution.
  • criminal conversation — (formerly) a common law action brought by a husband by which he claimed damages against an adulterer
  • death by misadventure — a possible verdict in a coroner's court, indicating that death was due to an accident not to a crimes or somebody's negligence
  • deprovincialization's — to make provincial in character.
  • development education — an area of study that aims to give pupils an understanding of their involvement in world affairs
  • developmental biology — the study of the development of multicellular organisms, including the study of the earliest stages of embryonic structure and tissue differentiation
  • devil's walking-stick — Hercules'-club (sense 1)
  • devil's-walking-stick — Hercules-club (def 2).
  • digital videocassette — a videocassette containing magnetic tape used for high-fidelity digital recording or playback of video. Abbreviation: DVC.
  • disassortative mating — the reproductive pairing of individuals that have traits more dissimilar than would likely be the case if mating were random (contrasted with assortative mating).
  • displacement activity — a behavior performed out of its usual context and apparently irrelevant to the prevailing situation, as eating when an unknown individual approaches, tending to occur when appropiate behaviors, as attacking or fleeing, are in conflict or obstructed.
  • display advertisement — an advertisement designed to attract attention by using devices such as conspicuous or elegant typefaces, graphics, etc
  • dissociative disorder — a mental disorder, as multiple personality, characterized by sudden temporary alteration in consciousness, identity, or motor behavior.
  • distinctiveness ratio — the ratio of the relative frequency of some event in a given sample to that in the general population or another relevant sample
  • downhole safety valve — A downhole safety valve is a piece of safety equipment used inside a well, which isolates wellbore pressure and fluid if something bad happens.
  • dynamic drive overlay — (storage, software)   (DDO) Software to allow a system BIOS that does not support Logical Block Addressing to access drives larger than 528 MB. The alternatives are to update the system BIOS or install an EIDE controller card with a suitable on-board BIOS.
  • earthmoving equipment — machines, such as bulldozers, that are used for excavating and moving large quantities of earth
  • enhanced oil recovery — any of several techniques that make it possible to recover more oil than can be obtained by natural pressure, such as the injection of fluid or gases into an oilfield to force more oil to the surface
  • environmental studies — a university course studying the environment and related issues
  • ethernet private line — (networking)   (EPL) A data service defined by the Metro Ethernet Forum, providing a point-to-point Ethernet connection between a pair of dedicated User-Network Interfaces (UNIs), with a high degree of transparency.
  • every dog has his day — one's luck will come
  • every nook and cranny — If you talk about every nook and cranny of a place or situation, you mean every part or every aspect of it.
  • extensible vax editor — (text, tool)   (EVE) A DEC product implemented using DEC's Text Processing Utility (TPU).
  • fall all over oneself — to drop or descend under the force of gravity, as to a lower place through loss or lack of support.
  • federal reserve board — a U.S. federal banking system that is under the control of a central board of governors (Federal Reserve Board) with a central bank (Federal Reserve Bank) in each of 12 districts and that has wide powers in controlling credit and the flow of money as well as in performing other functions, as regulating and supervising its member banks.
  • feline leukemia virus — a retrovirus, mainly affecting cats, that depresses the immune system and leads to opportunistic infections, lymphosarcoma, and other disorders. Abbreviation: FeLV, FLV.
  • first-dollar coverage — insurance that provides payment for the full loss up to the insured amount with no deductibles.
  • flat-coated retriever — one of an English breed of large sporting dogs having a flat, dense, shiny black or liver-colored coat, small ears, and long jaws, used for retrieving game from both water and land.
  • food conversion ratio — a ratio expressing the weight of food required to produce a unit gain in the live weight of an animal
  • fraudulent conversion — conversion committed with the intent to defraud
  • free alongside vessel — (of a shipment of goods) delivered to the dock without charge to the buyer, but excluding the cost of loading onto the vessel
  • friuli-venezia giulia — a region in NE Italy: formerly part of Venezia Giulia, most of which was ceded to Yugoslavia (now Croatia and Slovenia) in 1947. 2947 sq. mi. (7630 sq. km).
  • functional imperative — a requirement for the survival of any social system, as communication, control of conflict, or socialization.
  • generic type variable — (programming)   (Also known as a "schematic type variable"). Different occurrences of a generic type variable in a type expression may be instantiated to different types. Thus, in the expression let id x = x in (id True, id 1) id's type is (for all a: a -> a). The universal quantifier "for all a:" means that a is a generic type variable. For the two uses of id, a is instantiated to Bool and Int. Compare this with let id x = x in let f g = (g True, g 1) in f id This looks similar but f has no legal Hindley-Milner type. If we say f :: (a -> b) -> (b, b) this would permit g's type to be any instance of (a -> b) rather than requiring it to be at least as general as (a -> b). Furthermore, it constrains both instances of g to have the same result type whereas they do not. The type variables a and b in the above are implicitly quantified at the top level: f :: for all a: for all b: (a -> b) -> (b, b) so instantiating them (removing the quantifiers) can only be done once, at the top level. To correctly describe the type of f requires that they be locally quantified: f :: ((for all a: a) -> (for all b: b)) -> (c, d) which means that each time g is applied, a and b may be instantiated differently. f's actual argument must have a type at least as general as ((for all a: a) -> (for all b: b)), and may not be some less general instance of this type. Type variables c and d are still implicitly quantified at the top level and, now that g's result type is a generic type variable, any types chosen for c and d are guaranteed to be instances of it. This type for f does not express the fact that b only needs to be at least as general as the types c and d. For example, if c and d were both Bool then any function of type (for all a: a -> Bool) would be a suitable argument to f but it would not match the above type for f.
  • get/have the goods on — If you get the goods or have the goods on someone, you have evidence that they have done something wrong or criminal.
  • get/have the hots for — If you say that one person has the hots for another, you mean that they feel a strong sexual attraction to that person.
  • giovanni da verrazano — Giovanni da [jaw-vahn-nee dah] /dʒɔˈvɑn ni dɑ/ (Show IPA), c1480–1527? Italian navigator and explorer.
  • give a horse its head — to allow a horse to gallop by lengthening the reins
  • give place to someone — to make room for or be superseded by someone
  • give sb a green light — If someone in authority gives you a green light, they give you permission to do something.
  • give sb the runaround — If someone gives you the runaround, they deliberately do not give you all the information or help that you want, and send you to another person or place to get it.
  • give someone a leg up — to help someone to climb an obstacle by pushing upwards
  • give someone a tinkle — to call someone on the telephone
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