
All devotedly synonyms

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adv devotedly

  • meticulously β€” taking or showing extreme care about minute details; precise; thorough: a meticulous craftsman; meticulous personal appearance.
  • willingly β€” disposed or consenting; inclined: willing to go along.
  • freely β€” in a free manner.
  • dependably β€” capable of being depended on; worthy of trust; reliable: a dependable employee.
  • affectionately β€” showing, indicating, or characterized by affection or love; fondly tender: an affectionate embrace.
  • agreeably β€” to one's liking; pleasing: agreeable manners; an agreeable sensation.
  • bright β€” A bright colour is strong and noticeable, and not dark.
  • gaily β€” with merriment; merrily; joyfully; cheerfully.
  • lightly β€” with little weight, force, intensity, etc.; gently: to press lightly on a door bell.
  • optimistically β€” disposed to take a favorable view of events or conditions and to expect the most favorable outcome.
  • sincerely β€” free of deceit, hypocrisy, or falseness; earnest: a sincere apology.
  • buoyantly β€” in a happy, confident manner
  • delightedly β€” highly pleased.
  • delightfully β€” giving great pleasure or delight; highly pleasing: a delightful surprise.
  • hilariously β€” arousing great merriment; extremely funny: a hilarious story; a hilarious old movie.
  • jovially β€” endowed with or characterized by a hearty, joyous humor or a spirit of good-fellowship: a wonderfully jovial host.
  • laughing β€” that laughs or is given to laughter: a laughing child.
  • light-hearted β€” carefree; cheerful; merry: a lighthearted laugh.
  • smile β€” a pleasant or agreeable appearance, look, or aspect.
  • sportive β€” playful or frolicsome; jesting, jocose, or merry: a sportive puppy.
  • vivaciously β€” lively; animated; spirited: a vivacious folk dance.
  • zestful β€” full of zest.
  • accurately β€” free from error or defect; consistent with a standard, rule, or model; precise; exact.
  • constantly β€” not changing or varying; uniform; regular; invariable: All conditions during the three experiments were constant.
  • correctly β€” to set or make true, accurate, or right; remove the errors or faults from: The native guide corrected our pronunciation. The new glasses corrected his eyesight.
  • de facto β€” De facto is used to indicate that something is a particular thing, even though it was not planned or intended to be that thing.
  • faithfully β€” strict or thorough in the performance of duty: a faithful worker.

adj devotedly

  • insanely β€” not sane; not of sound mind; mentally deranged.
  • dementedly β€” crazy; insane; mad.
  • hard β€” not soft; solid and firm to the touch; unyielding to pressure and impenetrable or almost impenetrable.
  • irrationally β€” without the faculty of reason; deprived of reason.
  • quickly β€” with speed; rapidly; very soon.
  • rapidly β€” occurring within a short time; happening speedily: rapid growth.
  • rashly β€” acting or tending to act too hastily or without due consideration.
  • speedily β€” characterized by speed; rapid; swift; fast.
  • unreasonably β€” not reasonable or rational; acting at variance with or contrary to reason; not guided by reason or sound judgment; irrational: an unreasonable person.
  • absurdly β€” utterly or obviously senseless, illogical, or untrue; contrary to all reason or common sense; laughably foolish or false: an absurd explanation.
  • deliriously β€” Pathology. affected with or characteristic of delirium.
  • distractedly β€” having the attention diverted: She tossed several rocks to the far left and slipped past the distracted sentry.
  • frenzied β€” wildly excited or enthusiastic: frenzied applause.
  • hurriedly β€” moving or working rapidly, especially forced or required to hurry, as a person.
  • like mad β€” mentally disturbed; deranged; insane; demented.
  • ludicrously β€” causing laughter because of absurdity; provoking or deserving derision; ridiculous; laughable: a ludicrous lack of efficiency.
  • nonsensically β€” (of words or language) having little or no meaning; making little or no sense: A baby's babbling is appealingly nonsensical.
  • psychotically β€” Psychiatry. characterized by or afflicted with psychosis. Synonyms: (in nontechnical usage) insane, psychopathic, lunatic, mentally ill; mad, disturbed, deranged, demented, non compos mentis. Antonyms: sane; compos mentis, clearheaded, lucid.
  • rabidly β€” irrationally extreme in opinion or practice: a rabid isolationist; a rabid baseball fan.
  • senselessly β€” destitute or deprived of sensation; unconscious.
  • something fierce β€” desperately, intensely
  • stormy β€” affected, characterized by, or subject to storms; tempestuous: a stormy sea.
  • turbulent β€” being in a state of agitation or tumult; disturbed: turbulent feelings or emotions.
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