
All devotedly synonyms

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adv devotedly

  • firmly β€” not soft or yielding when pressed; comparatively solid, hard, stiff, or rigid: firm ground; firm texture.
  • honorably β€” in accordance with or characterized by principles of honor; upright: They were all honorable men.
  • loyally β€” faithful to one's sovereign, government, or state: a loyal subject.
  • precisely β€” definitely or strictly stated, defined, or fixed: precise directions.
  • reliably β€” that may be relied on or trusted; dependable in achievement, accuracy, honesty, etc.: reliable information.
  • steadily β€” firmly placed or fixed; stable in position or equilibrium: a steady ladder.
  • truthfully β€” telling the truth, especially habitually: a truthful person.
  • authentically β€” not false or copied; genuine; real: an authentic antique.
  • beyond question β€” a sentence in an interrogative form, addressed to someone in order to get information in reply.
  • confirmed β€” You use confirmed to describe someone who has a particular habit or belief that they are very unlikely to change.
  • factually β€” of or relating to facts; concerning facts: factual accuracy.
  • in fact β€” something that actually exists; reality; truth: Your fears have no basis in fact.
  • in reality β€” the state or quality of being real.
  • righteously β€” characterized by uprightness or morality: a righteous observance of the law.
  • staunchly β€” firm or steadfast in principle, adherence, loyalty, etc., as a person: a staunch Republican; a staunch friend.
  • unequivocally β€” in a way that is clear and unambiguous: The theme is unequivocally religious.
  • veraciously β€” habitually speaking the truth; truthful; honest: a veracious witness.
  • veritably β€” being truly or very much so: a veritable triumph.
  • with all one's heart β€” Anatomy. a hollow, pumplike organ of blood circulation, composed mainly of rhythmically contractile smooth muscle, located in the chest between the lungs and slightly to the left and consisting of four chambers: a right atrium that receives blood returning from the body via the superior and inferior vena cavae, a right ventricle that pumps the blood through the pulmonary artery to the lungs for oxygenation, a left atrium that receives the oxygenated blood via the pulmonary veins and passes it through the mitral valve, and a left ventricle that pumps the oxygenated blood, via the aorta, throughout the body.
  • truly β€” in accordance with fact or truth; truthfully.
  • generously β€” liberal in giving or sharing; unselfish: a generous patron of the arts; a generous gift.
  • kindly β€” having, showing, or proceeding from a benevolent disposition or spirit; kindhearted: kindly people.
  • adoringly β€” to regard with the utmost esteem, love, and respect; honor.
  • appreciatively β€” feeling or showing appreciation: an appreciative audience at the concert.
  • ardently β€” having, expressive of, or characterized by intense feeling; passionate; fervent: an ardent vow; ardent love.
  • attentively β€” while giving attention; observantly: Please listen attentively.
  • considerately β€” showing kindly awareness or regard for another's feelings, circumstances, etc.: a very considerate critic.
  • doting β€” showing a decline of mental faculties, especially associated with old age; weak-minded; senile.
  • unendearing β€” tending to make dear or beloved.
  • fervently β€” having or showing great warmth or intensity of spirit, feeling, enthusiasm, etc.; ardent: a fervent admirer; a fervent plea.
  • impassioned β€” filled with intense feeling or passion; passionate; ardent.
  • rapturously β€” full of, feeling, or manifesting ecstatic joy or delight.
  • obediently β€” obeying or willing to obey; complying with or submissive to authority: an obedient son.
  • doubtlessly β€” without doubt; certainly; surely; unquestionably.
  • submissively β€” inclined or ready to submit or yield to the authority of another; unresistingly or humbly obedient: submissive servants.
  • trustworthiness β€” deserving of trust or confidence; dependable; reliable: The treasurer was not entirely trustworthy.
  • compliantly β€” complying; obeying, obliging, or yielding, especially in a submissive way: a man with a compliant nature.
  • dearly β€” If you love someone dearly, you love them very much.
  • hyper-emotional β€” pertaining to or involving emotion or the emotions.
  • fervidly β€” heated or vehement in spirit, enthusiasm, etc.: a fervid orator.
  • lustfully β€” full of or motivated by lust, greed, or the like: He was an emperor lustful of power.
  • flawlessly β€” having no defects or faults, especially none that diminish the value of something: a flawless Ming Dynasty vase.
  • punctiliously β€” extremely attentive to punctilios; strict or exact in the observance of the formalities or amenities of conduct or actions.

adverb devotedly

  • caringly β€” In a caring manner.
  • dutifully β€” performing the duties expected or required of one; characterized by doing one's duty: a dutiful citizen; a dutiful child.
  • consistently β€” agreeing or accordant; compatible; not self-contradictory: His views and actions are consistent.
  • unfailing β€” not failing; not giving way; not falling short of expectation; completely dependable: an unfailing friend.
  • keenly β€” finely sharpened, as an edge; so shaped as to cut or pierce substances readily: a keen razor.
  • fanatically β€” motivated or characterized by an extreme, uncritical enthusiasm or zeal, as in religion or politics.
  • pleasure β€” the state or feeling of being pleased.
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