
Words starting with advancedga

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Maybe these words will be useful:
  • advanced program-to-program communications — (networking, product)   (APPC) An implementation of the IBM SNA/SDLC LU6.2 protocol that allows interconnected systems to communicate and share the processing of programs.
  • advanced interactive executive — (operating system)   (AIX) IBM's version of Unix, taken as the basis for the OSF standard.
  • advanced micro devices, inc. — (company)   (AMD) A US manufacturer of integrated circuits, founded in 1969. AMD was the fifth-largest IC manufacturer in 1995. AMD focuses on the personal and networked computation and communications market. They produce microprocessors, embedded processors and related peripherals, memories, programmable logic devices, circuits for telecommunications and networking applications. In 1995, AMD had 12000 employees in the USA and elsewhere and manufacturing facilities in Austin, Texas; Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan; Bangkok, Thailand; Penang, Malaysia; and Singapore. AMD made the AMD 2900 series of bit-slice TTL components and clones of the Intel 80386 and Intel 486 microprocessors. Address: Sunnyvale, CA, USA.
  • advanced network systems architecture — (networking)   (ANSA) A "software bus" based on a model for distributed systems developed as an ESPRIT project.
  • advanced peer-to-peer networking — (networking, product)   (APPN) IBM data communications support that routes data in a network between two or more APPC systems that need not be adjacent.
  • advanced power management — (hardware)   (APM) A feature of some displays, usually but not always, on laptop computers, which turns off power to the display after a preset period of inactivity to conserve electrical power. Monitors with this capability are usually refered to as "green monitors", meaning environmentally friendly. Not to be confused with a screen blanker which is software that causes the display to go black (by setting every pixel to black) to prevent burn-in.
  • advanced risc computing specification — (standard, hardware)   (ARC, previously ARCS) The baseline hardware requirements for an ACE-compatible system.
  • advanced risc machines ltd. — (company)   (ARM) A company formed in 1990 by Acorn Computers Ltd., Apple Computer, Inc. and VLSI Technology to market and develop the Advanced RISC Machine microprocessor family, originally designed by Acorn. ARM Ltd. also designs and licenses peripheral chips and supplies supporting software and hardware tools. In April 1993, Nippon Investment and Finance, a Daiwa Securities company, became ARM's fourth investor. In May 1994 Samsung became the sixth large company to have a licence to use the ARM processor core. The success of ARM Ltd. and the strategy to widen the availability of RISC technology has resulted in its chips now being used in a range of products including the Apple Newton. As measured by an independent authority, more ARM processors were shipped than SPARC chips in 1993. ARM has also sold three times more chips than the PowerPC consortium. E-mail: armltd.co.uk. Address: Advanced RISC Machines Ltd. Fulbourn Road, Cherry Hinton, Cambridge CB1 4JN, UK. Telephone: +44 (1223) 400 400. Fax: +44 (1223) 400 410.
  • advanced risc machine — (processor)   (ARM, Originally Acorn RISC Machine). A series of low-cost, power-efficient 32-bit RISC microprocessors for embedded control, computing, digital signal processing, games, consumer multimedia and portable applications. It was the first commercial RISC microprocessor (or was the MIPS R2000?) and was licensed for production by Asahi Kasei Microsystems, Cirrus Logic, GEC Plessey Semiconductors, Samsung, Sharp, Texas Instruments and VLSI Technology. The ARM has a small and highly orthogonal instruction set, as do most RISC processors. Every instruction includes a four-bit code which specifies a condition (of the processor status register) which must be satisfied for the instruction to be executed. Unconditional execution is specified with a condition "true". Instructions are split into load and store which access memory and arithmetic and logic instructions which work on registers (two source and one destination). The ARM has 27 registers of which 16 are accessible in any particular processor mode. R15 combines the program counter and processor status byte, the other registers are general purpose except that R14 holds the return address after a subroutine call and R13 is conventionally used as a stack pointer. There are four processor modes: user, interrupt (with a private copy of R13 and R14), fast interrupt (private copies of R8 to R14) and supervisor (private copies of R13 and R14). The ALU includes a 32-bit barrel-shifter allowing, e.g., a single-cycle shift and add. The first ARM processor, the ARM1 was a prototype which was never released. The ARM2 was originally called the Acorn RISC Machine. It was designed by Acorn Computers Ltd. and used in the original Archimedes, their successor to the BBC Micro and BBC Master series which were based on the eight-bit 6502 microprocessor. It was clocked at 8 MHz giving an average performance of 4 - 4.7 MIPS. Development of the ARM family was then continued by a new company, Advanced RISC Machines Ltd. The ARM3 added a fully-associative on-chip cache and some support for multiprocessing. This was followed by the ARM600 chip which was an ARM6 processor core with a 4-kilobyte 64-way set-associative cache, an MMU based on the MEMC2 chip, a write buffer (8 words?) and a coprocessor interface. The ARM7 processor core uses half the power of the ARM6 and takes around half the die size. In a full processor design (ARM700 chip) it should provide 50% to 100% more performance. In July 1994 VLSI Technology, Inc. released the ARM710 processor chip. An ARM800 chip is also planned.
  • advanced intelligent tape — (storage)   (AIT) A form of magnetic tape and drive using AME developed by Sony for storing large amounts of data. An AIT can store over 50 gigabytes and transfer data at six megabytes/second (in February 1999). AIT features high speed file access, long head and media life, the ALDC compression algorithm, and a MIC chip.