
Words starting with procrusteanb

Unfortunately we didn’t found any matching words.
Maybe these words will be useful:
  • procrustean — pertaining to or suggestive of Procrustes.
  • procrustean bed — a plan or scheme to produce uniformity or conformity by arbitrary or violent methods.
  • procrustean string — (programming)   A fixed-length string. If a string value is too long for the allocated space, it is truncated to fit; and if it is shorter, the empty space is padded, usually with space characters. This is an allusion to Procrustes, a legendary robber of ancient Attica. He bound his victims to a bed, and if they were shorter than the bed, he stretched their limbs until they would fit; if their limbs were longer, he lopped them off.
  • procrustes — a robber who stretched or amputated the limbs of travelers to make them conform to the length of his bed. He was killed by Theseus.