
Words starting with puncha

Unfortunately we didn’t found any matching words.
Maybe these words will be useful:
  • punch operator — a person who enters data into cards by means of punching holes
  • punchline — The punchline of a joke or funny story is its last sentence or phrase, which gives it its humour.
  • punch the bundy — to start work
  • punch and judy show — A Punch and Judy show is a puppet show for children, often performed at fairs or at the seaside. Punch and Judy, the two main characters, are always fighting.
  • punch a (time) clock — to insert a timecard into a time clock when coming to or going from work
  • punch above one's weight — to do something that is considered to be beyond one's ability
  • punchball — a form of playground or street baseball in which a rubber ball is batted with the fist.