
Words starting with readytoea

Unfortunately we didn’t found any matching words.
Maybe these words will be useful:
  • ready-cut — (of wood, tiles, glass, etc) cut to size before being sold
  • readymade — readymade.
  • ready and waiting — If you want to emphasize that a person is properly prepared for something, or that something can now be used, you can say that they are ready and waiting.
  • ready meal — convenience food: frozen dinner
  • ready when you are — If you say to someone 'Ready when you are', you are telling them that you are now ready to do something and that as soon as they are ready, you will do it.
  • ready-cooked — (of food or food products) cooked before it is sold
  • ready-mixed — blended in advance of being sold
  • ready-to-eat — (of a meal or food product) prepared or cooked in advance, with no further cooking or preparation required before being eaten
  • ready-prepared — prepared in advance of use
  • readying — completely prepared or in fit condition for immediate action or use: troops ready for battle; Dinner is ready.